Nigerian actor and influencer Enioluwa Adeoluwa has shared a post online about his father, Professor Adeoluwa. The influencer took to his official social media page to proudly celebrate his father’s success story....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE➤
According to him, while his dad may have resumed as provost at the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, he and his team made sure to transform it into a full-fledged university. Enny also announced that the School will have its first convocation in March, 2025.
Enioluwa wrote:
“My dad assumed the role of Provost at the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti, and within just one year, he and his team transformed it into a University. On the 8th of March, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science, and Technology will hold its very first convocation.”
“I’m immensely proud to call Prof my father, but even more proud of the incredible impact he has made and the countless lives he has touched and transformed.”
See Enny’s post here:
The post was also accompanied by an amazing father-son shoot, which showcased their resemblance and love for each other more than ever. recall how Enioluwa lamented the numerous passcodes required to enter Lagos states. His post triggered responses from those who resonated with it, while others argued it was necessary for security reasons.
Enioluwa opens up about his effeminate side earlier reported that Nigerian social media influencer Enioluwa Adeoluwa made it to the frontline of blogs with a video of him discussing his effeminate attributes.
During an appearance on the popular Nancy Isime Show, the internet sensation spoke about his younger days and discovering this aspect of him.
Eni touched on the issue of being bashed over this and pointed out other interesting things about his life that naysayers should focus on. ...CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE➤
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