Our trusted media organization has received confirmation information about Ifeoma’s untimely death, a young mother who had recently taken on the role of branch manager at Polaris Bank, was devastating news to hear...CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE➤
A few days ago, the news of her abduction in Anambra State, Nigeria’s eastern region, was widely disseminated, prompting optimism that Ifeoma would return peacefully among her close-knit community and acquaintances after the payment of N25M ransom to her captors
According to sources, Ifeoma, a laid-back young mother and wife, has been appointed branch manager at Polaris Bank
Imagine a defenseless young mother being brutally murdered. May Ify’s soul rest in eternal peace, and may God bring the perpetrators to justice ...CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE➤
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